A place for independent writing

An online publishing platform for social journalism in your language with the finest of perks. Showcase your skills, monetize your content.

Everything you need. Nothing you don't.

We provide you with just enough features to create content, share it with your readers, and publish it into a beautiful blog.

  • Distraction free editor

    Write your posts/tutorials on paperwiff. Easily add images, lists, quotes, codeblocks, and more in our intuitive easy to use editor.

  • Multi-Shot quotes

    Show your design and writing skills by grouping your work into Microfables. Get unlimited access to images worldwide which suits your quote.

  • Writing Community

    You own everything you write, Be a part of the biggest vernacular writing community and get the chance to discuss the real writer issues.

  • Fast and friendly support

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"Read to learn, write good for recognition in return, write best to earn, endorse your language for a magical turn".





















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Growing family of 9000+ curious readers, 5000+ contemporary writers envisioning the revival of 4000 languages of India.

" Paperwiff is not only a platform for reading and writing, it is a family of writers and readers where every amazing writer enjoys writing their feelings. A family in which all writers and readers get a chance to show their writing skills. One such family is our paperwiff "

" Paperwiff is not only a platform for reading and writing, it is a family of writers and readers where every amazing writer enjoys writing their feelings. A family in which all writers and readers get a chance to show their writing skills. One such family is our paperwiff "

" एक खूबसूरत मंच जो सबका अपना है और सबको आगे बढ़ने में मदद करता है "

" Paperwiff a platform where we can write our thoughts without any limit and its introduce us with a great world of writers ...so happy with paperwiff... "

" Paperwiff : My digital personal diary "

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" Paperwiff is like Best friend for me. It's always there to entertain you by engaging online as well offline by running write - up challanges. In short "My writing skills got wings on the Paperwiff plateform".Thank a lot for transforming my life in a beautiful way by adding values of writing skills. "