Saranya Suresh


I am a Corporate Social Responsibility, professional. I am from Bengaluru and I derive inspiration from this place and love it - to its truest form. I love to volunteer and be a part of social causes. Volunteering has taught me things that no one has ever told me about. Self - learning is the best learning any given day. Let me start by saying that - I never was into writing to begin with. But, I could not stop myself from pursuing writing - since the day I realized this interest in me. I am still taking baby steps and exploring a lot to be a part of writing community. I am a truest believer of - "You can make anything by writing". All I ever want to do is to create awareness about topics that we usually tend to talk less about and also to stay faithful to the stories in my head.

Saranya Suresh
Saranya Suresh 30 Sep, 2020 | 1 min read

My blood is impure

Menstruation is nothing to be ashamed of, the more we talk about it, the more we know, less it's a taboo, engage everyone in the conversation and normalize the subject in your surroundings. I might have gone through a lot of rough patches during the initial stages of my menstruation. But, I choose to take a stand on how to educate people around me and break this taboo.

##sarustories #myfirstperiodstories #periods #menstrualhygiene #happymind #breakingtaboo #womenandgirls #listenup #educate #environment

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