Article on the topic importance of music in life

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Himanshu kumar
Himanshu kumar 13 Feb, 2020 | 1 min read

As we know that music is a very fine art where musicians used to play different musical and vocal indtruments . People of all age use to hear music . This art is a gift of nature . When we hear music we feel that it is a food for our soul . It releaves our tension and frustation and provide us relexation. There are many great musicians who are famous for their dedication towards musin such as evelyn glennie who was deaf but she use to play different misical instruments. There are different types of music such as western, classical, oriental, pop, light etc. Concerts are held for the entertainment of people. Differenttypes of music competitions are held to give chance to such people who have ability to make their name in the field of music.schools also provide such facilities to teach students about the importance of music in our life.


Published By

Himanshu kumar



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