My journey of life

My journey of life and death... My journey of love and hate... My journey of happiness and sadness...

Originally published in en
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Vridhi Chug
Vridhi Chug 07 Nov, 2020 | 2 mins read
My journey My life

My journey...

My journey took the plunge with a cry,

A cry which was a cause of contentment to others,

A cry which left my mum in tears,

The journey which indeed is a journey of love and hate...

My journey that starts every morning

With a beautiful sun rising in the east...

With chirping of the sweet little birds...

And as the day passes by and the sun is all ready to set...

I stand by my balcony and enjoy the whiff of the air...

Lately it's all about when it's dark

I walk below the wanning moon...

To observe the tiny stars twinkling in the sky...

My journey that is brimful of happiness and love...

The journey of joy and prosperity...

The journey of achievements and qualifications

The journey of lessons and preachings...

where a simple rainbow brings joy in my life...

A colourful butterfly, a blubbering stream,

A cool cotton feel of a snowfall, the distant glistening mountains in the sky,

add colours To the journey of my life...

My journey is dwelled inside with a little of sadness...

A little of problems and tensions...

A little bit of struggle and losses...

Where my peace of mind is lost and depressive mode is on...

Where my mind is haunted by the demons called thoughts...

And At every turn of my journey,

I am trapped in the web of decision making

The journey with more of negativity during this phase...

Substracts happiness and joy from my life...

My journey that goes on and on...

And one day will end on death...

My death with my last breath...

Later my journey will be on in search of the actual door of paradise...

That door which operates on the basis of karma...

So Now is the time to make my karma either good or bad...

Good karma will come to me in a pleasant and relaxing way...

Where as bad will come in awful way...

Better to make good karma which will repay me in a good way and take me to the final destination of paradise...

Thus ends my journey of happiness and sadness...

My journey of love and support...

My journey of life and death...


Published By

Vridhi Chug



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