I am not a stray but a natural fighter

A fight of stray's who are left unseen as if they don't exist or they don't feel pain.

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Sindhu Shree
Sindhu Shree 22 Oct, 2021 | 5 mins read

A stormy wind with hushing rain poured down on the narrow streets of the slum where scarcity poured over and over again to demolish the very root of life itself. The darkness made every possible way to indulge itself in every life thus, a poor broken house collapsed over the family while they were pulling the water out of the house. The darkness finally took off the family but left one, who was away from the house sitting in the garbage box, terrified and weeping at the darkest times. 

A small girl who came out after the darkness that snatched everything that belonged to her all she was left with was her loneliness, hunger and a battle for life. Far away someone was searching for something all over the place with the same petrifying face that was holding at a bark all night which unluckily its mother could not and swept away forever in the gushing water. 

Our loneliness and scary conditions brought us together but we have a very long way to go with our lives. Who I am? I am a stray puppy who never had much but all I had was my mother, now even she is not here. With no roof on top, we had to

sleep on roads fighting a hard cold sometimes and times it poured rain, once it was a hell lot of pricking stones, sand and mosquitoes and the worst of all were people with a stick or other big dogs.

We begged for our food and all we got was paper, plastic, people kick us or throw stones at us and dogs barked or ran behind to bite us. We are hungry, thirsty have no one to take care of us or have nothing to feed us above all we have to fight for our food and lose and get bitten badly. We bleed, we starve but still, we live so hard. I grew up to be a dog soon but nothing much changed we still ran to save ourselves from the healthy house dogs and men with sticks and stones.

I hoped the girl would grow up fast as well, but no matter what we stay and stick together and ran together. Such a running strays life. Not very long but yes the girl became old or I say big when I thought life will become easier when she is bigger it became worse, men started to pull her, laugh at her, make a mess on her and big house dogs barked and chased at me.

People and dogs living in the house ate healthily and got good care for long, many together and around. They all made fun of us messing and kicking us around. Things were not good but the worst was to come when one day a car came racing and pulled the girl in dragging her on the way, I chased to grab them but they kicked me down, I stood again and ran behind the car to stop them but it was faster then I was. I wasn’t going to let go because she was the only one I had who loved me took care of me, we both fought for each other we were a small family and loved each other. I smelled the car and followed the tracks to an old building where I found a lot more healthy hefty dogs, I was scared but I had to save her I had to get her, she was the one all I had. They are dogs, am I not a dog. They are healthy and hefty and powerful, am I not I have been fighting all my life I am not less I don’t feel hungry anymore, I don’t feel pain any more I don’t feel cold any more I feel nothing to be scared of anymore, should I be scared of the one who was always fed, who is always loved and cared. They might run fast I can run faster, they may be hard but I am harder, they may fight but I am a fighter from birth, let us see who fights better and I jumped into the gate that stopped them to come out not me to get in. They pounced on me to snatch me and scratch me but I have seen that pain many times before so it doesn't hurt me anymore. I pushed them and moved in thing stop me if you can. I gathered all my anger and pounce on them if you are dogs so am I, if you have hunger so will I, if you get love so should I, if you are trained I have always had my freedom and nature tamed me to be what I am. I live the life as you do but, I am more special than you are I am not just a stray I am the fighter tamed by the nature itself, I am the warrior. And as I said the sweet hefty dogs could not bear me more and they found the corner then came the men with sticks but their eyes said how terrified they were to see me bleeding hurt badly but still standing strong to show them I was stronger than they have imagined. I had never barked before out of fear but now I bark and say it is my turn to say I am the king here. Though the girl was bleeding and hurt badly, my voice made her one thing clear that it is time to fight back. She stood up strong and said the same to herself and the world we live in “If you breathe in air so do I, If you are living on this earth so do I, If you feel hungry so do I, If you have money it does not mean you rule this world, If you can think good and bad so can I, If you have feelings so do I, If you are strong being a man so am I by heart and brain it’s not just my beauty, Only beauty, love, kindness and lust does not make women, creativity, knowledge, work, strength and even demolishing something does. If you have rights to live, gain and make so do I, If you are sent by God on this world then so was I”.

We fought together and proved we are not strays we are fighters and we are finally proud to die as we lived free fought all life and finally win what is and was always ours "To live and let others live in peace and as equals".


Published By

Sindhu Shree



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