Dethrone the television

You can watch TV when you've got nothing better to do but you shouldn't be watching it when you won't get up and do something better because you're watching TV.

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Shiney Miracula
Shiney Miracula 29 Jul, 2020 | 2 mins read

Corona succeeded in crippling our outdoor exposure, restricting our active lifestyle making us spends most of our time stuck in houses. 

And we are watching television like never before and it won't be an exaggeration if I say it's the first gadget to be switched on as soon as we wake up and the last one to be switched off after we manage to get a glimpse of sleep. 

Some of you might not agree with this saying nowadays everyone is  spending more time on social media and not TV. That's absolutely true but TV is running like a ritual as if a house shouldn't be quiet or only with actual conversations of family. 

People are glued to TV watching their favourite programs and if they don't like something, they're scrolling through social media in their phone and the TV shouts all the same pleasing the one person in the room who admires it. 

Moreover one must learn the difference between watching TV on the go and watching it in leisure. And you can't get anything done in a day if you settle before TV, first thing in the morning.

Now with more time in our hands, let's make the most of it by trying to understand our family members better and connecting with our friends limiting the influence of television in our lives. 

If you have to go without TV for a week and if that information hasn't freaked you out then you're doing well. Use TV to stay informed but don't allow it to stress you out or influence you so much. In short, never let it rule you. 


Published By

Shiney Miracula



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