Speaking out Loud.

Originally published in tl
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Shakeb 13 Sep, 2019 | 1 min read

Know that my laughter isn't meant

to fade away within our palms hiding it. .

Know that my Lord isn't

petite as your brain.

Know that my rights

aren't defined to fit in your molds.

Know that your eyes

aren't structured to scan my purity. .

Know that my consent

is and always will be a priority.

Know that I may show

I don't know,

but deep within I'm already

planning to storm you out. . .

Know that your knowledge

ends within your brain. .

Know that,

A woman

is always going to be a better label

than being called a 'Sole Heir'. .

Know that the sins you've committed

are always witnessed in his court

Whether or not this world get to know about it. . . .

Know that it all will come back

to you;

If you had hurt someone,

The pain will come back to you.

If you have given out love,

It will come back twice the amount. .

Know that kindness

is the sole virtue of humanity,

- YOU and your VOICE matter.


is the only way to let the world know you exist. . .

Your existence

should be in your deeds

not buried with your name. .

Men and Women are humans first,

Do not think of them as a toy. .

Sex isn't a way to show

you've matured. . . .

Depression isn't

as light as a feather. .

Tolerance is a word.

Learn to include it in your behavior.


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