Some tips to be safe from Coronavirus.

Stay safe.

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Shakeb 28 Mar, 2020 | 1 min read

Coronavirus (COVID-19). Here are some tips that will help you to stay safe in this danger.


Looking after your mental health while you have to stay home is important. Since staying at home all the time is a different rhythm of life we can try to look at it in a positive way.Try doing something productive such as book reading , clean your surroundings , exercise and spend time with your loved ones.


Try to avoid speculation and look up reputable sources on the outbreak

Rumour and speculation can fuel anxiety. Having access to good quality information about the virus can help you feel more in control but try not to focus all your attention to it ! You can shift your energy into listening music or play games etc.



TRY TO STAY CONNECTED : at times of stress , we work better in company and with support . Focus on stress management , keep active and eat a balanced diet.



Talk to your children : let’s not avoid scary topic but engage in a way that’s appropriate for them.



TRY TO ANTICIPATE DISTRESS: it’s okay to feel overwhelmed as we read the news but it’s also important to acknowledge these feelings and remind each other to look after mental and physical health.








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