Save Water and Earth too.

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Shakeb 23 Sep, 2019 | 3 mins read

Every day we listen to advertisements and campaigns to save water. Everyone around us is screaming but we're really listening. Have we ever seriously considered this problem? Water is one of the most precious gifts that the landscape has given us. We see an abundant supply of water flowing all around us and we take it for granted. Water is extremely vital to our existence and the entire living empire depends entirely on it. Water wastage is one of the most common problems worldwide.

Humans waste a lot of water every day and this has become a major concern. Many campaigns have started in this direction, but they are not proving to be as useful as they should be. Our administration also has numerous plans and creatives in place to preserve water, but until we, as people, understand the rigor of the problem, nothing will happen.

Effects of water waste :-

• Water waste has many harmful effects on us. We are losing precious life giving liquids day after day.

• One of the main effects of water waste is that the water table is decreasing. The groundwater is the amount of groundwater that is very important for a balanced ecosystem.

• Water waste also causes damage to agricultural activities. We know that water is one of the main parts of the harvest. Proper irrigation is very significant for a good harvest, so if water is exceeded, producers will have very little to use.

• Too much waste can also cause insufficient water for personal use. We need water for all our daily activities.

• Pollution of water bodies is also a major concern of today's environmentalists.

• We are also losing a good aquatic life.

• We waste water also disturbing the ecological balance of nature.

Ways to conserve water :-

• Close the tap during brushing and use it only when necessary.

• Bathing with buckets instead of showers, this can save a lot of water.

• Correct any water leaks in the home.

• Turn off the tap while washing your hands.

• Try to reuse the water you used to wash your clothes. Soapy water can be easily reused.

• Use less water to wash cars.

• Use less water to wash vegetables.

• Do not let the grass hose run for too long.

• Do not contaminate water bodies.

• Plant a tree, this will be very useful.

• Store electricity as many power plants run on hydroelectric power. Therefore, good electricity will help you save water in return.

Although we are all aware of the fact that the waste of water is bad, very few of us take it seriously. We must recognize the position of water conservation and we must take measures to save water. Not only that, we must also teach our children in their student life the importance of conservation so that they can save their future. We can save water in numerous ways and what exactly it needs is a sense of accountability and care for Mother Nature. Our small steps taken collected will not only advantage us but it will also make earth a better place to live in for our future groups. We should make the routine of saving water and avoid its depletion not only in our households but also in our areas, society offices etc.

We should also spread the alertness concerning Save Water and make people understand how water shortage could affect us and our environment. If we unite together for the cause and include water saving habit in our routine then there will be no water shortage in the world and everyone will have contact to safe and clean water.


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