Importance of education for women

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Shakeb 06 Oct, 2019 | 4 mins read

Women's education is a term that refers to the status of primary, secondary, tertiary and health education in girls and women. There are 65 million out of school girls worldwide; Most of them are in developing and underdeveloped countries. All countries of the world, especially developing and underdeveloped countries, should take necessary steps to improve the status of their female education; As women can play an important role in the development of the nation.

If we consider society to be a tree, men are like its strong main trunk which supports the tree to withstand the elements and women are like its roots; The most important of them all. The stronger the roots, the larger and stronger the tree; Shelter and protect the needy.

Women are the soul of a society; A society can be judged by the way its women are treated. An educated man goes out to improve society, while an educated woman; Whether it goes out or stays at home, improves the home and its occupants.

Women play many roles in the society - mother, wife, sister, caretaker, nurse etc. They are more compassionate towards the needs of others and have a better understanding of social structure. An educated mother will ensure that her children are educated, and she will weigh the education of a girl child just like boys.

History is replete with evidence that societies in which women were treated like men were educated and educated; Flourished and developed socially and economically. It would be a mistake to leave women behind in our goal of sustainable development, and this can be achieved only when both genders are provided equal opportunities in education and other fields.

Education makes women more assured and determined; They become more alert of their rights and can raise their voice against exploitation and violence. If a woman cries silently then a society cannot progress at all. They should have the weapon of education to create a progressive path for their family as well as their family.

Below we will go through some of the benefits of educating women and its positive effects on society.

Why the report is an important topic for women

1) Better standard of living

A better standard of living for the family is one of the advantages of women / women's education. It is not a mathematician to conclude that a family dependent on a double wage is more content and happier than a family dependent on a parent's income.

An educated mother, like the father of the family, will earn well and meet her family's economic needs in a much better way. Two incomes under the same roof will improve the standard of living and children will also get better education and facilities, not that a happy family will eventually build a happy society.

2) Better Health and Hygiene

Women are more concerned about the health of their family than men and also have a great sense of cleanliness. Even working women are constantly concerned about the health of their family and do not compromise on it at any cost.

It is only because of the women of the house that men work for free, only with the responsibility of earning money; As they know that everything else in the house is being taken care of. It therefore becomes imperative that women who are caring for the family and your children are educated, so that they recognize the health hazards and are confident enough to work prudently to eliminate them.

3) dignity and respect

A woman is the dignity of a household, and the justice of a society depends on how her women are treated and how educated they are. It is only when a woman is able to protect her dignity and honour, that she will be able to protect the dignity and honor of her family. An illiterate woman may lack the courage to speak up for her dignity while an educated woman will be confident enough to fight for it.

4) Self Reliance

Education makes a woman self-sufficient; That is, he is not dependent on anyone for his survival as well as the survival of his children. She knows that she is educated and can work equally as men and provide for the needs of her family. A woman, who is monetarily independent, can raise her voice against unfairness and abuse.

5) End crime against women

Educating women can easily end many social evils and crimes against women. Incidents of dowry, body trade, female feticide as well as harmful customs can be eradicated by educating the women of the society. An educated woman plays a very important role in a civilized family and influences the views and beliefs of its members.

He is unlikely to remain silent on domestic violence against another woman or girl in the family; And will certainly help in strengthening the social fabric of the society. An educated woman will never commit female feticide and is well aware that it is a crime by law and prohibited by any religion.


Educating women is an integral part of the economic and social development of a nation. Women play a responsible role in homes and societies. They are responsible for the care of their children, relatives and home elders, which makes it imperative to make them well informed and aware of the dangers and safety.

An educated woman can bring some positive changes in her home as well as society. He is more likely to send his children to school, improving the nation's literacy rate. Apart from good health and hygiene, there are many other benefits of educating women, the emerging economy of the nation, etc. No nation can truly achieve development if it leaves its women behind in terms of education.


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