Conserve the river it will conserve you.

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Shakeb 17 Oct, 2019 | 3 mins read

Rivers are the lifeblood of any type of civilization. They play an important role in maintaining life on this planet. But of late it has been observed that our perennial rivers are losing their identity. Some of them have also dried up and are about to die. I am in a very bad phase right now. We must protect our rivers. Most of the rivers have taken bath. They are so covered with dirt that they can no longer be considered a source of fresh water. Water pollution has become a hot topic in our country, India. Many NGOs are continuously spreading awareness about this. The government is not far behind in this area. "Namami Gange" can be taken as an example. This is a plan for cleaning the Ganges River. But we cannot assign this responsibility only to some organizations or government. As a answerable resident, it is our responsibility to save the rivers. Well, if it is not for future generations, at least for us.

Some ways to save rivers.

1. Rivers are freed from various wastes, such as domestic, industrial, etc. It is very important to check that they are properly treated before the wastes flow into the rivers. Oil released from heavy vehicles or industries should not be discharged into rivers. There should be strict water laws.

2. In our country, carcasses of various carcasses and animals are dumped daily in rivers. This makes the water very dirty, which has to be stopped immediately. Rivers should not be considered public property and should be used improperly. Rather it should be considered its personal object.

3. It is often seen that a large number of fairs are held every year on the banks of rivers. It also causes water pollution. The various wastes of such fairs should not be dumped in the rivers.

4. Rivers are slowly drying up. One very serious reason behind this is global warming. The ecological imbalance is quite high, which has led to this. Rivers have started drying up due to dramatic changes in climate.

5. Government also plays a very important role in saving rivers. It is necessary to enforce strict laws on the use and sewerage of rivers.

6. The last but most important point is to make people aware of the death of rivers. Most people are not even aware of the poor health of our rivers. They should be educated on this subject and even motivated to save the rivers.


Rivers can only be saved through our mutual support and the need to save them. Much damage has already been done, now is the time to fix it. In this decisive moment, it is very important to unite and struggle for the protection of our rivers. If no action is taken now, we cannot leave a wonderful world for our next generations. Everyone should understand the importance of water in our lives and the problem encountered during water scarcity. Government and NGOs are spreading awareness about the importance of water and how to save water in day to day life. Water is valuable and we should not waste it.


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