River is a sign of life, save it.

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Shakeb 17 Oct, 2019 | 3 mins read

In the Indian subcontinent, river systems are broadly classified into four categories: Himalayas, plains, coastal rivers and drainage basins. One of the largest valleys in India is the Ganges or Ganges, which originated in the Himalayas and is considered the abode of the gods. According to Hindus, Hindus believe that the Ganges has spiritual significance and a dip in the river will consume all sins. Then there are many more rivers like Saraswati, Narmada, Indus, Godavari and Yamuna. These are the great rivers of India.

The function of a river is to nurture the life that depends on it (flora and fauna) and to create landscapes. They are rivers that drain mountains and form the earth. Biodiversity and human cultures mainly depend on the existence of the river. This body of water as a whole is more important than the amount of water it carries, or the fish that float in its water, or the sand that carries its flood.

Due to the spiritual and cultural importance of rivers, the largest basin and aquatic flora and fauna is inferior in existence. The situation has reached such a point that Ganga water is not only suitable for drinking and bathing, but has also become unusable for agriculture.

People living along the banks of the river depend on these rivers for their survival. Even the lifestyles of rural and tribal communities are so closely linked to rivers that river erosion threatens their survival. In addition, immersion of idols in the Ganges and other rivers has eliminated pollution that produces toxins and reduces river flow.

In some areas, corpses are also transported into rivers that dissolve toxins in the water. The collection of water for increasing water consumption and hydropower production is transforming these rivers into a series of dry stretches and stagnant pools.

In addition to the disposal of waste water from partially burnt human bodies and hazardous medical waste from the hospital, the absence of a incinerator also increases pollution levels in the Ganges and other rivers in India. Industries near the banks of these rivers eliminate toxic gases, which is one of the major reasons for promoting global warming.

Although governments at various levels are making efforts to conserve rivers, much remains to be done.

Base communities, particularly in hill stations, tried their best to stop the flow of toxic material into the flowing rivers.

The main action is to verify the flow and naturalness of the water flowing in the river. Although development cannot be stopped, a proper planning method will always be useful for the conservation of nature and the development of the country.

A series of dams and very strict rules have also been made regarding reducing industrialization near rivers, as elimination is not possible. Numerous investigations are underway on India, Himalayan rivers and drainage basins. These rivers represent a stimulating study for researchers to determine the impact of climate change on the water balance of rivers and assess their low tolerance to disrupted flows and fragile ecosystems.

Therefore, it is time that we understand the importance of these rivers and take appropriate measures at any possible level, so that the problem can be resolved at the earliest.


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