Why are you falling to loose fat ?

Lot of people suffering from the extra weight, shape and diseases associated with it. In modern working culture and Life style it's difficult to follow routine exercise and strict diet plan. For many it's difficult to afford costly mentor, Gym and related axillary stuff. But here is easy Techniques to do the same by only bringing your body to new adoptations State .

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S 20 Oct, 2022 | 6 mins read
Weight lose How to loose fat easily ?

Why are you failing to loose fat ?


First of all look into the expert advice. Most of them involve rigorous exercise and strict diet which is almost impossible to sustain for long period. Specially in modern working style and social structure . Social linkage and social liabilities specially around the friend circle is unpredictable. Which leads to breaking of the routine and schedules. Cyclic breaking of these create habits of failing, trying and self blaming. While there is easier way to do the same is available but these experts specially the social media mentor hyphen their means and ways to reinforce the cyclic failure mentality. Let’s see how easy it can be.

First we talk about our body and brain or you can say physiology and psychology and how they work in synchronization and co-operate, cross subsidies, alter or affect the others. Our body has steady state or adoptability to our situation. Suppose in normal day you used to eat some amount of food which satisfied your hunger. In taking that amount in breakfast, lunch or dinner signal your brain that you have taken enough. It’s your steady state. If you opted to exercise which increases your requirement of energy and indirectly urges you to take more food. More rigorous exercise  more strong craving and urges trigger. On the top of that reducing food intake strictly  which is already demanding your body more  to satisfy your hunger. How long can you control these urges and craving could you imagine ? You may already know 21st days rule which means if you follow any new changes for three to five week it become your habit or new steady state. Could you sustain these strong craving for four to five week in these modern life style.  Now and then breaking of the routine demolish the whole idea of achieving the new steady state and reinforce the adoption of cyclic failure mentality .On the top more you resist and confront these urges and craving more strongly they come and makes you feel terrible and demotivating. This is ritualistic or action oriented procedures to bring in new habits. There’s another way of doing the same things easily.

Meditation in which you can manifest your brain to guide your action and choices autonomously specially of the food. But we are here to talk about the balance combination of action and manifestation . Psychically informing your body to adopt the new steady state and inducing stimulus to achieve this slowly. You would have heard about the ketosis. In which if you take carbohydrate deficit food for one week to two week then the  body start taking deficit energy by digesting the accumulated fat. So first thing you have to do is develop tolerance against hunger. Develop tolerance in a way that your body and brain work in synchronization without abruptly increasing the craving and urges which is demotivating. How can you do that ?

There’s two way either slowly reducing the food intake in a bit or slowly increasing the exercise without increasing the craving for extra food . Let’s take the first example by reducing food intake. If you want to reduce the food intake by half and make it new steady state . which gives you full filling of your hunger or satisfy your hunger at this new steady state. First plan this for the month or thirty days. You are consciously informing your body to adopt this steady state in one month for which your body ready to adopt this. Now you have to give stimulus through reducing slowly. For instance, plan first three days of reducing only one chapati from your lunch and dinner. Then for next five days reduce one more chapati from dinner only. In lunch and dinner we used to fill our belly. First reduce from this slowly.  Look at table below as an example and plan according to your needs. Plan as little as you can tolerate without getting craving and urges. In starting you could reduce the  exercise to stop the extra craving . and after achieving the new adopted state you can start exercise slowly without increasing the craving.  First question is why this technique efficient and better than the harsh and strict routine.


0 – 3 days > - One chapati from & one from dinner

4 – 8 days > - One more chapati from dinner only

9 – 15 days > - One more chapati from lunch only

16 – 23 days > - Start reducing rice

24 – 30 days > - Start cutting from breakfast and snacks


This small bit of changes easily accepted by your brain and your body already informed about the new steady state. So your body slowly and easily start adopting and changing for the new state. Easily acceptances of the brain and body get the time to adopt the new steady is highly motivating. You will achieve this in same time as you do in the strict diet and rigorous exercise.

Harsh and difficult things are rejected by our brain automatically in form of feeling. It’s strongly demotivating and difficult to follow and sustain for longer period. Do this happens to you when you decided to work a lot or schedules for many hours of study or  other mental work. You had  Strong determination yet you have find yourself difficult to start. Even if you had started to work with your full determination but it became difficult to focus and felt dizzy and distracted.  While it’s opposite easy task easily accepted by the brain and motivates to act more. Test this, try once . you  automatically get motivated to do more within first three days and your autonomous subconscious craving, actions and choices alter with reference to your desire. To know more about information perception and motivation for action read this amazing Book “ Success through meditation and self hypnosis “ .  

All types of food contain the carbohydrate in one form or another. Body withdraw energy from them directly or by breaking them into simpler forms. So be careful of taking food in miss conception of eating fruits and meat creates energy shortage. You have to reduce the food intake because extra food is the only cause of all problems.

Sometimes to comply with the social circle  you have to break the rules. Don’t worry about this because you are going to alter adaptation state mentaly and physically instead of following harsh physical activities. Or  Compensate it by reducing the same amount in breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sometimes escape the lunch or dinner to develop more tolerance. You don’t have to effort for this, these ideas automatically comes in your brain and drive your action . This inculcate in your subconscious which makes you  to reject the unwanted food automatically by checking on your feelings. If you have done this for a month then your body is already prepared for the ketosis process. Now you don’t have to effort for the strict diet plan. A New adopted state of your body for hunger which is just by eating half the diet of what you had. Your hunger satisfies and you could effortlessly sustain these for longer period which is crucial for shading fat and regulating the body weight. After achieving the new steady state you can start exercise slowly without increasing the craving. Test this and invest only one month to bring your body to new adopted state instead of cyclic failing and trying again for years.

If you are opting for exercise start it slowly and achieve the desire state in month without increasing or changing your diet plan. Make plan according to your needs and only one thing to care about is craving for hunger. If you suddenly increase the physical exercise then strong craving for hunger trigger. If you make changes in your diet then the whole idea of shading fat will demolish. . You will stuck  in the loop of rigorous workouts and huge food intake. You can use the same technique to stop addiction instead of suddenly leaving everything. And don’t forget to share this article among your circle.


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