Unsheltered and Unfed ?

Show some love towards the helpless street dogs and cats.

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Chuffy 27 Jun, 2019 | 1 min read

Lots of streets dogs in the city sleep without proper food day after day. We could carry a biscuit packet in our purse everyday and just feed atleast one street dog. 5 Rupees expenditure in a day will not make a big difference to us. But it will for these poor souls.

We’ve been too harsh on these animals from a long time. We just give a blind eye to them. Unlike people who are all healthy and come begging for money, these animals cannot speak and convey their hunger to you. As a human being it becomes our responsibility to take care of our environment which includes co-existing with animals. So go feed a few street animals, instead of encouraging begging. Let people who can work and earn, do it. Don’t make them lazy by giving them the money. I will write more about this in another article. But for now all I’m asking you to do is show a little mercy and talk to stray dogs, play with them and give them some food. Give them shelter if it’s raining or if they are scared during fireworks. They are harmless unless we prove to be dangerous to them.

Spend a few minutes of your day with stray dogs and see how happy they become. All they want is love and some food. It will also make your day much better. Trust me.


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