Women empowerment in India-A burning issue

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Neha 19 Aug, 2019 | 1 min read

You might be listening to the news reading newspapers or a magazines. You would have gone thought incidents with the womens in India. Any other article on women Empire in India would take a look at our rich enlightenment society of the password women word treated as equal but the concept of women Empowerment has evolved quite recently.

The truth is that in the modern India a woman has always been second grade citizen,no matter what it is esteemed leaders have said or done. It is only in India that glaring and brutal gang rapes occur frequently. In a a state headed by the woman chief minister, gender discrimination is the list of worries for women in India. Do you know that the fourth most dangerous country in the world for the woman is India. Other astonishing and girm varieties are with acid throwing, domestic violence, burning for want of dowry, rape, harrassment and assortment of other tortues!!

Is this women empowerment???


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