The secret of life

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Neha 19 Aug, 2019 | 2 mins read

In today time, if we see around us we find most of the people with tension anger depressed and sorrow.

But a very few people know that the main cause of sorrow is our thoughts. The most of the people are not aware of the power of our thoughts.positive thinking is a very powerful tool we all have but due to ignorance we are not using this tool to make our life happy and successful.

Thoughts are magnetic in nature.the thoughts we create the whole day reach universe in the form of energy and attract the things towards us which are on the same frequency.this happen due to universe law of attraction,i.e like attracts like.

So when we have negative thoughts such as irritation, disappointment, worry, anger hate,envy, boredom, criticism,guilt or fear,we send negative energy to the universe and you to the law of attraction we attract negative things in our life. The tensions sorrow and an healthy broken relation,misery all happen due to the negative thoughts only.

So to change our life and make it happy just change the thoughts. Create positive thoughts. When we create positive thoughts, definitely positive things are attracted towards us, Remember, whatever we give out in our life,we receive back.In simple words thought becomes things.

When we wakeup each day be grateful to be alive and for everyone and everything we have in our life. When we give thanks for what we receive it multiplies those things many a times.spend few minutes every morning feeling love for everyone and sending it out to the world. Be happy every movement of a day.With the power of positive thoughts we all can have an amazing life.



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