How I live happier?

What is education India and how to live with it

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Naveenraju Meganathan
Naveenraju Meganathan 27 Nov, 2020 | 2 mins read

I was walking alone all around the terrace with so many thoughts in my mind. What am I going to do next? Is am going in the right way? Will I get happy by doing this or that? These are some of my random thoughts.

You may think why you think like this? Yes, I have an answer for... The answer is am unemployed for two years. Next question you may ask me, Why you don't have a job... Because am B.E Graduate... I think most of the readers from B.E background now got a small smile on your face especially south Indians. Am not here came to Criticise Engineers or Engineering students or graduates. I want to make, you think or analyze for some time Why our Education system like this?

Because our education system will not provide us a good knowledge rather it will give only marks and remarks. These grading systems will give happiness for us only in our school or College circle and in our family circle alone. It will not make your life happier after you step out of your school or college or any of your other educations.

Yes am damn sure, you will not... don't mistake me toppers but it's real fact.

Because am came across many.. many.. success full people who did not complete even their schoolings, some of them not even go to school we call them as "Uneducated fellow". But that uneducated fellows are leaders to us in many places even many states.

No politics here man.

Oh... sorry.. sorry...

Simply I want to ask some questions to you...

1) What is your ultimate goal in your Life..?

2) Its short term goal or a long term goal?

Most of you choose money, happiness, family, wealth, peace, joy, etc... It will go on. But I want to clarify to you now one most important thing, here we will not full filled by anything in this world... anything.

Because human nature is, not satisfy with anything we already have. We will always be complaining about the things that we don't have. you may hear someone tell that "If I get this much of amount means I will be settled in my life" If they got that amount means their desire goes to the next level like "If I buy one big house means I will be settled in my life". This case will not be going to end it will increasing only like a monkey's tail. Because we will get bored at some point if we attain something.

My advice to you guys.. we set our ultimate goal to use everything at every part of our life. Once get bored means we go to the next one, this is an exception to LOVE and CARING...

I will tell you in detail about our education system and how I earned enough in upcoming stories...

Bye... Bye.


Published By

Naveenraju Meganathan



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