I Promise that,

A promise made to my love

Originally published in en
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MRIGANKA ROY 11 Feb, 2022 | 1 min read
Love Couple Romance Promise Forever

I shall quit all my bad habits, by hook or by crook.

I shall adore your morning face more than the party look.

I shall try to be a much better person than I am today,

And you feel proud about me, when my name you say.

I will love you so much more today than yesterday.

I shall take care of all your tantrums and mood swings,

I shall make sure that fun and laughter are never the forgotten things.

I shall celebrate your presence everyday more than anything in this world.

I shall listen to your crazy talks and ideas sleeping in your lap tightly furled.

I shall yearn for your warm hugs more than your kisses. 

I will leave no stone unturned to help you achieve all your dreams and wishes.

No matter who is wrong, I’ll shall be the one asking from you for forgiveness.

So, I promise that, I’ll be with you in all health and sickness.


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