Let's Do This

A poem on staying healthy

Originally published in en
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Juhi Prakash Singh
Juhi Prakash Singh 01 Aug, 2022 | 1 min read

Don't have sweets and don't have too much spice,

If you want to be fit and look really nice

No burgers, no pizzas, no samosas and certainly no cakes,

If you want to stay slim, trim, look good and that good impression make

No late nights, no soft drinks and certainly no processed food,

If you wish to stay healthy and also look good

No skipping breakfast and certainly have that dinner before the Sun starts setting,

That's if you want to stay healthy by sticking to the principle of intermittent fasting

Eat your greens, reds, blues and yellows,

I'm talking of fruits and veggies, my dear fellows

Don't forget taking atleast six thousand steps each day,

Jump, hop, skip, walk, cycle, run or do it whichever way

Eat your pre and probiotics for a gut that's super healthy,

A healthy gut is the key to a body and mind that stays healthy

Drink to your hearts content with no fear,

I'm talking of only good old water, my dear

Hold your tongue and reign in those greedy tastebuds,

Put your feet in and start moving in those long forgotten pair of keds,

& Read, write and get a strong mind inside that head

Walk this walk and see yourself become the talk of any town,

But to all of this you must always stay true,

For uneasy rests the head that wears this crown

- ©️juhi prakash singh

Instagram: juhi.prakashsingh


Facebook page: @sundryscribbles


Published By

Juhi Prakash Singh



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