Important terms to remember while deploying an app in Open CV

This is a gist of all the important terms to remember while deploying any app using OpenCV

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DT 07 Mar, 2020 | 2 mins read

Important terms to remember while deploying an app in Open CV



A computer vision (CV) library filled with many different computer vision functions and other useful image and video processing and handling capabilities.


A publisher-subscriber protocol often used for IoT(Internet of Things) devices due to its lightweight nature. The “paho-mqtt” library is a common way of working with MQTT in Python.

Publish-Subscribe Architecture

A messaging architecture whereby it is made up of publishers, that send messages to some central broker, without knowing of the subscribers themselves. These messages can be posted on some given “topic”, which the subscribers can then listen to without having to know the publisher itself, just the “topic”.


In a publish-subscribe architecture, the entity that is sending data to a broker on a certain “topic”.


In a publish-subscribe architecture, the entity that is listening to data on a certain “topic” from a broker.


In a publish-subscribe architecture, data is published to a given topic, and subscribers to that topic can then receive that data.


Software that can help convert or stream audio and video. In the course, the related ffserver software is used to stream to a web server, which can then be queried by a Node server for viewing in a web browser. The Node Server is responsible for performing all the operations without displaying any information on the front end of the web browsers.



It is a python framework which is useful for web development and another potential option for video streaming to a web browser.


Node Server

A web server built with Node.js that can handle HTTP requests and/or serve up a webpage for viewing in a browser.



Let us understand the concept of Node.js with a help of Social Media site such as Instagram, Facebook etc. We often get our social media post based upon our recent search and clicks or our social media usage. Node at the backend is responsible for this. Node allows JavaScript at the backend to run outside of the browser and gather relevant post and send these post as per our requirement.





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