Importance of Trust

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Pt N L Mishra
Pt N L Mishra 02 Nov, 2019 | 3 mins read

Importance of Trust

Information has become the basis of trust, and therefore also of relationships.


 One middle-aged gentleman complained, "I never questioned my parents. I did whatever they asked me to do. I used to respect my parents very much. But my son is not like that. Whenever I ask him to do something, I have to answer his 'why, what, how and why not'. Today's children do not respect elders at all. "


 it is not true. The only thing is that the nature of the relationship has changed. In the past years, the basis of relationships used to be emotion, today the basis of relationships is information.


 A few years ago, if a boss asked a member of his team to do something, that member would have a quick reply, "Get it done." Today, the team member asks before doing that job, " Why it should be done, why it should be done ”, etc.… But this does not mean that the team member does not respect the boss today, rather it is just that he wants to get complete information. In this sense, the question of 'playing spades' is no longer in the relationship. However, I believe that the quality of the relationship has not declined in any way. Today's wisdom simply asks - either give me complete information about making this decision, or give me all the information based on which it has been decided that I should do this work.


 Maybe with the gesture of your father, you can bring them water. But maybe before doing the same thing your son will ask a couple of questions - the thing that is important is that he too will bring water for you provided he tells the whole thing about it. In this sense, the relationship between child and parent has not declined, only the nature of the relationship has changed slightly. When Dad used to tell his mother on the phone that three more people would come with him today at lunch, mother used to say only 'okay'. Now, if she has to tell the same thing to her wife, she will ask, "Who will come, when they are coming, what is their choice, how long they will stay"… but still she will definitely make food for them. In this sense, fidelity has not declined in marital relationships. The point is that the nature of the relationship has changed a bit. The basis of the relationship has shifted from emotion to information.


 As a teacher, I do not think there has been any change in the quality of dedication even in the spiritual realm. The change that has come is - the place of surrendering without taking any questions has now taken the place of surrendering after enough Q&A. So, is there any difference between Arjuna and this situation?


 There has been no deterioration in the quality of the relationship, yes, it has definitely increased the demand for communication and information. Information exchange and communication have now become the lifeline of the relationship. Details now become necessary and clarification mandatory.

 This change is neither better nor worse, it is just a new scenario. Such a change must be anticipated in a changing world. It is no longer enough to just say 'do'. Give enough details and explanation and then say 'do', and it will be done.


 Faith is the basis of relationship, but now trust is not just done. Information has become the basis of trust, and therefore also of relationships.


Published By

Pt N L Mishra



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